Dr Phillips Short Sales
Having in lived in Dr Phillips in the community of Turtle Creek and office in the Location for over 15 years Wendy Morris Realty understands the locale and of course is very familiar with Conducting Short Sales and Handling Foreclosures in the Dr Phillips area. The Dr Phillips location is close to all interstates and main routes traversing Florida and is home to the famed Bay Hill golf course as well as boasting property on the Butler Chain of Lakes.
There are a total of n/a public schools, n/a private schools and n/a post-secondary schools in Doctor Phillips. Using the proficiency score averages, the average test scores for Doctor Phillips, FL schools is 69%. The average student to teacher ratio is n/a. In Doctor Phillips, FL, an average of 92.3% of students have completed 8th grade and an average of 92.1% have completed high school.
The median home price for homes in Doctor Phillips, FL is $294,700, which is 77% higher than the Florida average. This means that real estate in the Doctor Phillips, FL area is generally less affordable than the rest of Florida. The median rent price in Doctor Phillips, FL is $1,561 which is 51% higher than the Florida average. In Doctor Phillips, FL, 76.5% of people are home owners and an average of 2.6 people occupy each home. From luxury houses to affordable condos to urban town homes, there are many different types of real estate in Doctor Phillips, FL. We make it easy to find Doctor Phillips, FL real estate listings and homes for sale by filtering location, price, bedrooms and bathrooms in the search area above.
Doctor Phillips, FL has a population of 10,878 and is the 3,702nd largest city in the United States. The population density is 3,200 per sq mi which is 990% higher than the Florida average and 3432% higher than the national average. The median age in Doctor Phillips is 45 which is approximately 7% higher than the Florida average of 42. In Doctor Phillips, 60% of the population over 15 years of age are married, 70% speak English and 11% speak Spanish. 22% of Doctor Phillips residents were born in Florida, 48% were born out of state, 5% were born outside of the United States and 26% were foreign born.